What time is it?

12:07p.m local (08:07 Moscow time)
Surprising how comfortable is this bed. We did think that the train would be rougher than this. 
Yesterday's smart purchase of xleb (bread) and kolbasa (sausage) went down very well for our late breakfast (well, lunch really) this morning.
As we move eastwards, we have to keep rolling our watches onwards to keep up with the local time - but this has the effect that we go to bed later and get up later. Not jet lag but train lag. 
The weather today is cloudy and drear, and the land outside is no longer endless plain. Rather, there are gentle hills. Trees remain of course, the common factor of the Russian train journey. We have passed a series of picturesque little villages, with wooden houses, each with window frames painted sky blue. Sky blue seems to be a favourite colour in Russia, and they are fond of highly coloured buildings. Currently we lie to the west of Krasnoyarsk, in Western Siberia.

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